The Big Tex Ordnance Podcast

Jon Dufresne - Kinetic Consulting

The BTO Crew Season 3 Episode 96

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Episode 96: From Iguanas to Night Vision - A Wide-Ranging Chat with Jon Dufresne

Join the Big Tex Ordnance team as they sit down with Jon Dufresne of Kinetic Consulting for a wide-ranging discussion covering everything from hunting iguanas in Florida to the latest in night vision technology.

Detailed Timeline:

00:00:00 - Introduction and casual conversation about Jon's travel to Texas
00:03:00 - Discussion about alligators in Florida and Texas
00:05:00 - Jon shares a story about duck removal and HOA issues
00:07:00 - Conversation about invasive species and hunting methods
00:10:00 - Brief tangent on Red Bull lawsuit and class action lawsuits
00:12:00 - Formal introduction of Jon Dufresne and his upcoming class
00:13:00 - Discussion on the prevalence of red dot sights in handgun classes
00:16:00 - Jon talks about his experience with Frank Proctor's classes
00:19:00 - Anecdote about a bolt breaking during a class
00:22:00 - Conversation about Joe from Radian Weapons attending Jon's class
00:25:00 - Discussion on steak preferences and dining experiences
00:27:00 - Jon shares his recent training experiences and classes he's taken
00:31:00 - Explanation of Jon's note-taking method for students
00:35:00 - Discussion on long-range and precision shooting techniques
00:37:00 - Conversation about night vision and magnifiers
00:41:00 - Overview of current popular laser systems for night vision use
00:45:00 - Discussion on the Arisaka laser and its features
00:51:00 - Transition to night vision technology discussion
00:52:00 - Jon explains improvements in night vision tube manufacturing by L3
00:54:00 - Conversation about thermal and night vision fusion technology
00:56:00 - Talk about different mounting options for night vision devices
00:57:00 - Jon mentions his upcoming classes in Texas, including dates for January
01:00:00 - Discussion on flight experiences and airline preferences
01:03:00 - Jon introduces his new "Skills on Demand" class collaboration with Brian Valise
01:05:00 - Details about the Night Ops Summit at Dilley and available night vision rentals
01:07:00 - Information on long-range night vision shooting courses at the summit
01:08:00 - Wrap-up and where to find Jon online (

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Honestly, analog night vision, which is what we're all using, like the, the intensifier tubes, um, those are just getting better and better. So, like, for example, L3, they're able to produce such good night vision tubes now, uh, and, and in quantities that people can get their hands on versus, like, we made a batch of, like, let's say a hundred, right? But only two of them are amazing everything else is trash or like 30 percent of them are literal like there's we can use And then like the rest 70 percent we have to like recycle and do it again And that's how it used to be and now it's gotten so good That's it's a huge like 98 percent or whatever or whatever they they call it It is going to be like what we can actually use and there's still a small percentage of like Unobtainable night vision that's like Geez, these are amazing, but they're being saved for certain peoples. Yeah. Um, but that's, that's the cool part about it. They've just refined their manufacturing process so well that we're able to get night vision is pretty good. That's probably my next big, that would have been my first hurricane, but I was not here. Nice. Ted Cruz went to Mexico. Yeah. Yeah. That's one way to do it. Goes to Canada and then he's all like, Asking about stuff. I was like, dude, if you wanted to know about the hurricane, you should have fucking stayed. Like he just wants to know if his house is like, what's going on? Where's gas? I'm like, you're still in Canada, dude. Like I'm going to be here eventually though. Eventually it took you long enough to get back. Listen, thanks. United and barrel and Delta. I like I was finding out Tuesday. I think I told you this lines for regular TSA was like all the way out the door and took me like 30, 45 minutes just to drop my bag off. Cheese. Yeah, it was, I just drove, I thought about it from all the flights that were canceled Monday and people trying to get back in and out because like everyone that was like, I just flew in and got either got stuck there or got everything got pushed back till Tuesday. It's like, that's what my problem was is that there was, yeah, he couldn't get a flight into Houston. I couldn't get in till Wednesday. Did you end up, how far out did you book your flight where you're staying at? Um, three weeks. Okay. So you're good. You got it. Does it have power or do you know? It does. It looks like the power went out a few times cause the hallways are hot as fuck. I walked in and I was like, Oh, it's outside still. It's weird. Probably just got power back. Yeah. They, they had a sign there that like, There's no open rooms. So I'm assuming people are oh wow Like it's booked booked. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's just it's right there in Conroe like the Hampton Inn or whatever. Yeah, right there. I'm 45 Yeah, nothing crazy like 15 16 minutes from here But yeah, I thought about getting an Airbnb like I did last time and then I'm like wait People kind of got fucked up with hurricane. Oh, yeah, I'll go to the hotel Yeah. So play it safe. Good deal, man. We appreciate you coming in. Yeah, dude. It's uh, I, I actually like coming to Texas. It's like Florida, but wider, you know, like you still get like Texas man and Florida man are pretty much the same thing. So you guys just don't ride alligators. Like you guys got bulls or whatever. I don't know. I don't know what you guys have, but you have alligators. Yeah. Oh, down south. Not here. Less flood that we got. Like there's an alligator just like walking through somebody's yard. Nice. A little bit. They posted ones, a picture of one out that a ranch the other day, they, they'd spotted it. Nice. Yeah. So we have them. We just, they're just not everywhere. Florida man levels. They're not in everybody. Water. Yeah. You're not going to randomly wake up to one in your pool in your pool or try and get in your front door. Actually, the first alligator I ever saw and touched and wrestled was in my pool and had to get it out of my pool. Cause my mom wasn't going to do it. I was like, so you're going to let your son do it. This is great. Mom, I'm like, yeah, I was 10. Tougher die, man. She's like, she's like, figure it out. All right. I guess, uh, Florida man is also Florida boy. So same, same, um, interesting times. It wasn't too big. It was probably like the size of my leg, like or then, uh, no, currently. Okay. So it was big for a 10 year old. It's definitely big for a 10 year old. It probably wouldn't be fucking chasing now. It wasn't that bad. As long as you get their mouth that you're good. Yeah, this would have been Ian. You got to be stronger. Well, he's grabbing by the tail. Yeah, this'll work out. Help. So they can reach all the way back. Just like a snake. Yeah. Have you ever gone a guana hunting? Yes. That was like a very, so you could shoot them under nods. If you'd find out where they're bedding down, which is usually up in a tree, uh, with a 22 super easy. Yeah. You just like just killing iguanas all over the place. Um, cats. The neighborhood all the time. You're not supposed to, apparently HOA doesn't like that. They, they actually had a duck problem in my old age, a problem, a duck problem, like we had just too many ducks and they're shitting in the community pool. And, uh, it was like, well, We need to figure something out at the HOA meeting. And I was like, I I'm down. Like I'll take care of them. They're like, they're like, Oh, you've removed ducks. I'm like, sure. I could do that. Like, they're like, do you have a company? I'm like, yes. John's duck services. So I sent them an invoice for what I would charge. And I was like, I don't know what I would charge, but the HOA I know has a lot of money. Yeah. I have to pay. Get some of these dues back, you know? Yeah, exactly. I could get five years worth of dues, maybe. So I gave them an invoice, uh, for an extraordinary, like a huge amount. And they were like, they were like, okay, we could, we could swing that. I'm like, all right, awesome. Uh, so I'll start getting rid of them. And, uh, I'll let you know when I've got a good amount or whatever. They're like, okay, yeah. Oh, can we kind of come see how you're doing it? I'm like. I don't know if you want to see how I'm doing it. And apparently they found out how I was planning on doing it, which was with a 22, uh, they did not like that idea. And apparently it's also kind of illegal. So you can't do that. Only if you get caught. Yeah. Only if you get caught. But either way, they stopped it before I got to start it, but man, I wanted to kill a bunch of ducks. That'd have been awesome. I remember there was someplace around here that somebody got in trouble for removing them. After dark with a high powered pellet gun, like I can remember, like there was some issues on Facebook about it and it was one of those things like they had quoted a lot of ducks. Yeah. Like, I'm like, what's the problem? It's duck season, right? It's always duck season. They need to do something with the coyotes. That's what we have. Yeah. We sure have yapping up. Yeah. But those guys you can shoot any time, right? You don't need a hunting license for it. I don't think so. Not in our, I mean, like we can't in the neighborhood. You can't just, it's frowned upon again. It was attacking my dog. Yeah. What dog? The dog that was there. Maybe it gets suppressed way too for, you definitely get away with it. 22. My neighbors never woke up and called the cops on me. So yeah. Uh, definitely kill a lot of things to that thing. And then, um, there's, uh, we have like a bunch of invasive species, uh, in, in South Florida. Like I'm sure you guys do too, but there's a, there's this lionfish that people actually take and shoot with guns underwater. It's actually pretty impressive. There's a really good video of some dude with like Glock 17. Yeah. So like a 16 inch barrel shooting line fish, like at, I don't know, a couple of feet away from each but these schwack in these things. It's kind of cool. There's this one account I follow. They're always spear gunning them. Uh, yeah, yeah. You could kill as many as you want. Yeah. They're just out there like all day, just like shooting them, shooting them like crazy. I want to do the, the air rifle. Iguana Safari. Yeah, that'd be fun. Did you know Australia has a camel problem? A camel problem? Yeah. Like they have like an invasive camel problem. Yep. Like how we have hogs and they smoke camels out of like helicopters and jeeps by like the bucket full. That's awesome. Yeah. I thought they didn't have guns over there anymore. Uh, camels are huge too. Like it's, yeah. Uh, go on YouTube shoot forces. Yeah. One of the random YouTube videos I stumbled upon is like this. Exterminator dude. And he does one shot. Just going down from the Camelator. It's did not know that was a thing for is a thing. 45, 70. What's he, he had, I don't, I'd be lying if I told you, I don't some. Rifle, and he was just and the camels were just like, wow, that's actually kind of cool. Like, I did not know that was even a thing. And if you shoot it in the hump, do they like leak? They're just like, no, it's actually not water in those. If you ever look it up, I did. It's just a big ball of fat. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, no, I'm disappointed. I thought it was just like a big water sack. I thought it was like a water bladder. Yeah. I was like, this is, that's awesome. So the Camelback is just a fucking lie. Yeah. False advertising. Mm hmm. Lawsuit. Lawsuit. I'm not a camel now. Yeah. Nowadays, you'd probably win too, all the people suing people. Like the Red Bull thing from a while back, about Red Bull giving you wings. Oh, and somebody sued about that? Yeah. It was a whole big class action thing. So now like Red Bull, it says, gives you wings, but spelled with three I's. Yeah. Yeah. If you know, if you look at it, yeah, because there's a big lawsuit and you could claim it, like if you, but you'd have to go in there, like you'd have to sign this document saying that I really thought that Red Bull would give me wings and then you get like your 2 and 85 cents or whatever from the class action lawsuit. That's what that I want Red Bull to pay me. That's yeah. It's probably like five or six years ago, but there's a huge thing. Oh, I did not know that. Yeah. And now like all their advertising, it's spelled with three I's. That's funny. That's kind of like a 3m thing for all the, the veterans and stuff. Oh yeah. Like everybody was sitting. I'm like, are you guys kidding me? Like that's such a waste of your time. You can't get 17. Yeah. The law firm, the attorneys make the money you're getting like next to nothing, but they're dollars. Yeah. They're, they're raking it in big time. Yeah. You're just helping somebody else make more money. Attorneys. Yeah. People these days. I know. For those that don't know, Chris is married to him. A very successful attorney. Yeah. Thankfully, I kind of wish she was in frivolous lawsuits. She'd make a lot more money. Yeah, maybe just to have her do start some class actions. It's been affected by meth. Have you worked in a shipyard recently? Chris? No, I haven't, but she's, she's actually, she knows the lady that's suing the Navy over the fuel tanks in Hawaii and. That whole Oh, the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where the fuel tanks were like leaking on the, the, the water. Yeah. Yeah. Today. Yeah. Yeah. They were like, people were like drinking water with JPA in it. Yeah. And like showering. That's super good. It's super good for you. It's not, does not give you wings so much. Cancer just gives you cancer. Cancer, all cancer. Yeah. Probably get some AIDS too, because it's the Navy. So you're up here for right. So actually I think we're, we're good for a introduction. Oh yeah. Uh, so if you stuck with us this far, thank you. First of all, for listening to our in coherent Randy ramblings, uh, uh, yeah, we're here with John, uh, from Kinetic Consulting. Um, uh, Mike. We got Chris, we got Ian, uh, John's here doing, doing some class this weekend. It's Friday today. Yeah. This week is like smoke. The hurricane. I was in Utah for like 32 days coming back. Yeah. I don't know what day it is. You were like in Utah for like 56 hours. Yeah. Like if that. I woke up at four o'clock to catch my flight back. Anyways, John's got a class tomorrow. Um, and Sunday it's a two day class. Red dot, right? Just your standard red dot class. Just, uh, it's essentially just a handgun class. Uh, it's still marketed as red dot because people still like take that in, but I think we should start shifting that. Cause. There's no difference. Like I teach the handgun class, the same way I teach red dot class. The only, uh, I guess the only thing that would be a nuance is just talking about, like taking care of your red dot better. So for peeps that don't have it, or have never done that before, don't know how to take care of it. That's the only thing, but I've gotten to the point where I've put so many videos out that I'd rather send those to the students instead of waste time in class, where we could be doing shooting and we can learn how to shoot better with two ERs. Well, like when you take a, if you, like when you're doing a handgun class, how, uh, What's the ratio of students that don't have a red dot, I guess, to those, uh, it's, it's really low now. So, so like looking at it or looking back at like five, six years ago, it was like two to three out of like your 12 to 15 students would have like red dots. And then, and I was still teaching with iron sites, uh, just because there were so many still, actually I probably longer than five years, probably like seven or eight years. And then. It just started getting bigger and bigger. And then it turned into like half and half. And now if I have one with irons, it's like, because it's issued to them and they don't have red dots at work yet. Or it's because that guy's just not willing to change it. Yeah. And then by the end of the class, he's like, well, I'm going to get a red dot. I've, I've convinced or, um, uh, or we've bullied them into buying a red dot after class because it's. It's just ridiculous not to have one at this point. Um, I get a lot of new shooters that don't even know how to use the irons on their guns Because they've been, they started off with a red dot and that's all they use. And honestly, at this point, you probably don't even need the irons. Like I, I have a couple of guns that don't have irons cause I lost them. Like they fell off shooting and I'm not going to buy another set of iron sites and throw on to this gun to lose again. I don't think Josh has iron sites on his clock. Yeah. I've actually Yeah, like you lose them all the time. So especially that front sight, man. Yeah, she likes to fly away I've had but they never fail. No never But uh, they they just like to slide off. I like the rear ones at least on a Glock Anything with a really a dovetail they'll start to like shimmy themselves off and you're like you guys are committing suicide on your own They're telling us what they want And that's not to be on the guns, essentially. They don't want to be there. Um, I will say I still keep irons like on my carry gun, right. Out of the sake of like, what if, but. Man, the last time I've actually shot with them is really rare. Now the other thing is like, I do still like irons to a certain extent on like iron only guns, but it's only red fiber optic front ones with blacked out rear cause I could use it like a red dot. Yeah. That's, that's where it's at. I was running the Frank Proctor ones on the Glock like that's, I love that. So I still have the prototype Frank Proctor ones before they became Y notches. Oh yeah. They're still squares on one of my guns at home because Frank and I were good, good friends. So he's still teaching. He's just, he just doesn't have like a super big, he doesn't push a lot of presents. Does he? No, uh, he had his main account. Was like stolen for a while and he had to fight with Instagram, Facebook, whatever meta something, uh, to get it back, finally got it back. But his second one that he started making was starting to grow. So now he has two that are decent, but Frank is one of those dudes. Um, I would suggest anybody that's curious about learning something new on handgun or rifle, like go visit him or like you guys should host him kind of thing. Cause he, he's such a solid guy. Um, yeah. The first class I went to with him, he corrected so many things that I got from the military. Uh, cause I was still in the military at the time, like just like right over there, slept in my car kind of thing. And um, he fixed so many things that was ridiculous. I was like, Jesus, I know nothing. I was Jon Snow. I saw a post, I think, in that I was a deliberate training group. Are you in the, that it's like a training group. Somebody invited me in and it's actually pretty good. There's a bunch of really good instructors in there. Mark Smith post in there. I think, uh, it's a little dude, Tim Heron, Tim Heron runs the group, right? The little dude, like he's such a good, he's such a good fuck that guy. Um, I was waiting, I was waiting for somebody to say it. Somebody had to say it. But in that group. Somebody posted about a Frank Proctor class and he's like, this was the most unstructured awesome class I've ever been to. We like, literally he's like, we started shooting and somebody had a problem and Frank then taught like, A whole segment off that problem, that problem. And then he's like, but that leads me into these three problems. So let's do this and fix it. And then he's like, okay, now go explore and come up with other problems. And he just, it was like, it was the most unstructured, but best class he's ever been to. I was like, that's pretty cool. Honestly, that's something that happens sometimes. So, um, depending on your teacher, right? Like you'll have like curriculum that you want to cover, but like, if people aren't get catching up, You have to kind of modify or stay on a subject for a little longer and then have to steer them in a different direction. Or you have dudes that are just really squared away and they start. They're picking up on things. So then you start pushing the curriculum even further and you're like, you know what? We can kind of elaborate on this. Like y'all aren't retarded. We can, we can go farther and it's, it's actually kind of cool. It's a lot of fun. I like a flexible plan like that versus being very rigid and like got to go by the binder, you know, or whatever. I don't know if people put them in binders anymore, but either way, that's how I see it. And so that's probably like whenever I get like a teaching moment like that, like I love it. I love it. So I had some dudes bolt his, his actual bolt, not the carrier, but the bolt part break in half. Oh, snap. And uh, right where the cam pin goes. Yeah. And, and the name of the company rhymes with Noves. and, uh,. I'm just kidding. It was, it was a, it was pretty funny. So it broke and the bolt head was stuck in the chamber. They have an Instagram post about that. Yeah. Like I've seen three more after that happened in my class, and I was like. Dude, what the hell? He's like, this is my second one that happened. I was like, Jesus. So either way to get that out, we had to like somehow get pliers in there, twist it to unlock it and then pull it out. And it still had a, like a spent casing stuck in there. Yeah. So luckily it wasn't a live round, which would have been interesting, but, uh, it was, it was pretty fun, pretty fun, but it was a good learning moment, but it took some time out of class, but everybody was like, well, now I know how to fix that. If we have it, I'm like, yes, Throw the gun now. Uh, but yeah, club battlefield pickup. Oh dude. It was, it was pretty bad. I was like, wow, I'd never seen that before. I think I posted it to where he was like moving the charging handle and you see the bolt carrier move, but the bolt stays in. Well, half of it stays in. That reminds me of that. Malfunction that you got in the Bruisers class where your spent round fell back into the mag and like, lo remember? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, I have a picture of it. It's really hard to explain, but, but his shit was moving really slow and it, it needed some lube we need. Yeah. And it, it looked like, it looked like it. When it extracted, because it was moving so slow, it didn't throw the casing out and it rolled in there. It like rolled in there. And then the bolt went over it and loaded the magazine back with the brass. And I was just like, okay, that's kind of cool. Cause I shot it. And I was like, Hey, somebody watch. Cause somebody take a look at this. Somebody watch my gun action. His bullet or his like, and they're like literally like pause and like, Oh, Yeah. And it was like, we need some oil on that. That's disgusting. Yeah. It wasn't that. I mean, it was just because it was suppressed and yeah, I mean, it was, it was fine, but I'll, I'll find the picture and show you. But I was like, that's the only thing that makes sense that it like just rump, like it like rolled in and just sat right over it and basically loaded. And I wouldn't have believed myself had I not called him and Josh over. Like previously and said, Hey, watch my gun. It feels funny. Click and then I go boom. And it's just like, what's going on? Am I in slow mo now? I mean, your gun was probably a really soft shooter. Oh, it was, Oh, his gun is extremely just dwell. Time was really, uh, it was weird, but yeah, we've, we've got an interesting, that's kind of cool. Yeah. I've never seen that one. Now that was a first. I just had Joe in my class in Oregon. Yeah. Oh yeah. I saw that. And I came by and he was like, he was like. Let me jump on that. And I was like, come on over. Cause he's never done one of my rifle classes. And, uh, and that, that silly goose came with a three Oh eight in some funky gun. And I think it was what was it? A G three or something. Yeah. Yeah. Hilarious. Like a shortened G three and three Oh eight. And, uh, he, he had a blast doing it. It was a good time. Everybody was like, Ooh, let us try. And had fun, like playing with a different, different rifles. And then the next day he brought like seven different rifles and they shot an AK for the rest of the time. It was a good time. It was kind of cool. Like he was just shaking things out with them and just enjoying himself while he's trying to learn how to shoot these things better. It was good. It was, uh, I had him in a pistol class last year or the year before, something like that. And it's always good having him on the range. He's fun. He's a, he's a. He just adds to the class if that makes sense. Yeah, like tomorrow. Um, I should have a Wilbury From OTG. He'll be there. So he'll come to class. Oh, yeah the class Yeah, so it'll be good to have him like if he wants to add input I'm always down for that like as a teacher. I think that's Like better for the students, like, instead of me being like, shut up, bro, it's my class. Like some people would, I like to like encourage them. That's amazing. Yeah. There's literally a casing in your mask to me. Yeah. Yeah. Did you guys have video of it? No, no, no video. She just pulled it out and I was like, uh, I was looking at like, uh, you don't shoot bullets that way. He's like, how did the bullet shoot out of the casing? It's still in the mag. Like the math was not working out. So uh, I'm going to turn down the AC quick, take, take will to a steak restaurant. Have go take him out to dinner tomorrow night and then let him order for you. Okay, like it's worth your the order good. He's a red. He's a Connoisseur when it comes to bond actually, so I did a class that they had down in Dilley I came out for it and did their class and he was grilling steaks. He was like, how do you want your steak? I'm like, I don't know. I'm retarded when it comes to food. I'm just like does it give me nutrition that that's good enough, right? Like I'm not like not super picky and he's like I got you, fam. And he's like doing all sorts of magic in the kitchen, comes out, grills it, he hands it to me. He's like, just enjoy. And I was like, all right. It was amazing. You're like, where's the ketchup? Honestly, like if I would have said that, I think he would have punched me in the face. Yeah, there's a good chance. I think he would have been very upset. Offended. Have I ever met Will? I had dinner with him at TTP away two or three years ago. At the sons, his sons guys. And like, he literally was like sitting in the middle. It was like, all the owners were down in there at that end of the table. And then just all the minions were down here at this end of the table. And, uh, so we were talking state, but we'll just was like, gave us a whole class on like the different ways. And I'd like never heard somebody order a steak like that. I thought I was kind of fancy, but obviously I am not. And the, the, the waiter's like, okay. Okay. And just wrote it all down. It's like, cool. And he came back and explained it all. It was, it was pretty cool. Did it come out in like a boat or something or like something fancy or? No, it was just the way they cooked it, I guess. No plate with the little cover on it. Sprinkle the salt. Yes. Like what's that one in Vegas where it's like, they got like a whole like box, like lights up, they got like sparklers and stuff. They come out there and like dance and stuff. What? I should go there though. Yeah. Well, if you guys do let me know when we're there. That sounds cool to me. The, um, sparklers loves sparklers and like dances, like loves thing. Love dancers down with the answers. Yeah. I think this sounds like a good, good call. What other classes have you taken this past year with other instructors? Since we're on that topic? Let's see. So in January, I did. Okay. I can't remember in February though. I went to Santa Barbara. Uh, Joe had four days out there. He did a precision rifle and a scope carbine. Um, after that, I did a class, a pistol course with, um, I want to say it was, I'm sorry. It was a night vision course with JBS and with tap rack, their, uh, fused course. I forget what they call it. It's like something awesomeness or something like that. Uh, which was super fun. The students there were like, Oh, that's cool. What's Duffy doing here? Cause he does night vision stuff. And I was just enjoying myself. I was having a good time. I learned some new things. It was awesome. But giving, giving Mark and Bill feedback on their class to help them make it better. And because we're all friends, why not? And then the students got a third instructor without having to pay more, you know, like I was there to help out and do certain things too, even though I was a paid student. And, um, cause that to me is fun. I still enjoy teaching. Like it's not a, uh, a chore or a job to me. It's. It's actual passion and enjoyment. So, uh, teaching people things is a lot of fun. I like that, uh, feeling I get from that, that dopamine effect. But, um, let's see after that I'll have to go back to my calendar. I can't remember, but yeah, it all kind of runs together. There's been a couple. Yeah. And there's, uh, there's a couple of law enforcement ones I went to. Um, and then like a couple where it was federal law enforcement that I was, I had taught them previously, they had some kind of class and they were like, you want to come? And I was like, yeah, yeah. Obviously you guys providing ammo. Yeah, so it works out and then I take home ammo. It's a good time Yeah, it's a I go there get some and and leave with more so it's uh, I every time I get to take advantage of those Kind of things I try to yeah But, um, yeah, and other than that, my schedule has been pretty packed. So still, still kind of pushing along and, uh, I've only had to reschedule a couple of things this year since, uh, we've had like a, kind of a slow year in the training industry. I think in our industry in general, I think everywhere's having a slow year. Yeah. Everywhere is having a slow year, which is, which is not too bad. I mean, luckily I have a full class for your, your guy's place, which is cool. So that, that was awesome. Um, I forget, uh, Tara. Yeah. Yeah. She did a good job, like pushing it out there to your customers and stuff like that. It was great. She's great. So she did a good job with that. So I give her a high five or whatever, pay her like normal. We'll make sure she gets a paycheck. She'll get a paycheck. But, uh, but yeah, she, she did a good job like marketing it so that like I could fill it up and stuff. And, uh, and that's always helpful when the host can also push the information out there to like get people to come to class. So that's sometimes one of the hard parts is like the host is just like. Another dude that just wants to learn and he doesn't know how to like push those things out. So you have to do it all. And as a teacher, if you don't have any kind of like presence in that area, it's really difficult to fill up a class. Um, but sometimes it works out nicely. So, um, Yeah. Uh, other than that, I have a few other classes I'm going to go to this year. I have a couple, uh, I'm definitely going to another Frank class, like Frank Proctor. So I'm going to go up to him, which isn't too far from me because, uh, now I live in Northern Florida. So to go to Alabama isn't too bad where it used to be like nine hours of driving. So it's, uh, it's kind of nice. But yeah, I probably have the least amount of classes. I'll do this year than I usually do. And then at symposium, I always go to other people's classes too, as you guys both know. So I'm always hopping in people's class. Cause I teach at night. So during the day free game. So what's your, what's your current, what's currently your most popular class that you're teaching? Uh, my night vision class. Yeah. So my night vision one. Uh, it's probably the, the most popular one, I think it's just because that's what most people know me for. Um, and then, uh, And then out of the tactics classes, my weaponized geometry one. So that one is pretty popular because people realize like, Oh, I may not ever work in a team, so I may have to work by myself. Uh, how do I do that? And there's various ways to, and there's safe and unsafe ways. So it's a, it's actually a fun class. It's also force on force. So you get to kind of. Test your gusto. Um, a lot of people go there and they're like, wow, I don't know how to shoot when somebody is trying to hurt me. And it's like, awesome. That's a good thing to learn here instead of like in real life, when you, your life's at stake or somebody's life is at stake or it's somebody that you may actually hurt and not even know you did. So, um, Yeah. Like it's, it's actually pretty, uh, pretty cool class. I get a lot of guys that get like big eye openers and they end up like, John, how do I practice this stuff? And, uh, and it's something I bring up in, in all my classes for the most part. Um, I always tell people how to take notes at the beginning because people don't know how to take notes in class sometimes. Cause they're like, Oh, I'm busy looking at things and shooting. And I forgot my notebook back there or whatever. And I usually tell them like in their notebook or on their phone, like the first page or the first, like, Section should all be just bullet points. Like, put the title of the class, the date and then bullet points and all those things are those bullet points should be filled in as things that you suck at. Right? Like, or you did poorly in class with, or you need more work with. Right? And if you did that on the 1st page of your notes. By the end of the two days, three days, four days, whatever you have, uh, you have now a page of things that you can take to the range and go practice, right? Or you can ask more, uh, specific questions to a teacher. Like when people message me on, on Instagram or, uh, put a comment in a video or whatever, they're like, Hey, John, what drill should I do? I don't know who you are, man. Like, I have no idea what drill you should do, right? Um, but if you said like, Hey, I suck at this, what should I do to work on this? Now I can help you. Like now I I'm going to make a video. I'm going to send it to you. I'll probably put it up on the alumni page, all, all sorts of stuff. And, um, and try to help you out because now you have a specific thing that, you know, you need to work on and you described it to me, or you gave me the thing that you're looking at trying to work on. And now I can actually help you get there, uh, versus the other way around where it's just like, like a drill, like drills, aren't going to get you there. If you're not. Specifically looking for something out of it. So it's, it's interesting. Uh, but that's, that's what I started doing notes for students. Cause that's how I take my notes. Like when I go to class, it's just bullet points. And those bullet points are just easy way of getting everything you suck at or everything you need to work on, things like that. So maybe useful. Interesting. So I took some pretty decent notes at Joe's class this year. Well, we did precision rifle and our scope car being in precision rifle this year. At last year, we did just scope. Carbine, I need to get, I need to actually call him next week and get them back on the schedule again. Yeah, but that was like at that point. It was like, okay, now I figured out, you know, how to do speed drop. Okay. Now I figured out how to do speed wind. Now I know, okay, this, you know, following up more on now it's learning to call wind, you know, like I can do the, the easy math all day long. Now, now it's just be like, okay, it feels like it's like this here. It looks like it's doing that out there. Hold left edge. Well, see, so, so that's actually something funny. Uh, I used to do that. I used to be like, ah, you know, I'll just hold edge, like the right or left edge, whatever I'm feeling. And, um, and I was told by somebody, I want to say it was probably the dudes from modern day sniper, like Kalin or Phil Leo. One of those two, um, said it to me, they were like, Hey, instead of just holding the edge. Look at what you're like, the hold on the mills or MOA, if you're using MOA, but I was using mills, see what mills you're holding. Cause then you can start to learn what that looks like or feels like. And now you can be like, all right, that's going to definitely be a 0. 4 mil hold. Like now I know what to hold instead of just like side of the plate. Cause side of the plate's definitely like how I started like straight up. Yeah. I was like, best guess and just go to the edge and, uh, I missed my first shot and have to make my correction, um, and then, or hit it and get lucky on the edge or on the other edge. So, uh, instead of doing that, I started looking at, like, what I was holding and it takes a little bit more brain power and like, over time, you'll get a little bit more used to it. But if you make a conscious effort to actually, like, look at what you're holding, you'll get so much better at it because you're gonna be like, oh, dude. I've seen this before and you have that like drop down menu of experience. You're like, ah, it's definitely gonna be 0. 4 like, or nah, that's going to be 1. 1. You know, like that's going to be a huge hold. So now I know based off of like what I'm seeing, instead of just, let me throw a, you know, a shaker out. Yeah. Check it out. You know, like here's the dollar berm. And one of the nice things about shooting down there at the ranch is I've not been down there where we didn't have, I didn't have wind and I also didn't have two different wins. Yeah. That's the thing about the ranch. Like you have different wind, like at different distances, you know, the cuts that they have, you know, it kind of channels it and stuff. So it's, you get better at wind calling down there. I still suck at it, but it's better to learning there than, you know, some places. Yeah. I took my buddy, uh, one of my buddies down there. A couple of weeks ago and he'd never shot, like he'd been in the military. He's been a police officer for 20 something years at this point. And he's never, at that point, he'd never shot anything out past 300. Meters. Uh, poor score. I'm like, all right, here we go. Get behind my gun. All right. These are where these dots are. Okay, cool. Just hold here all the way out to three. Okay, cool. You're on at three. I was like, okay, you see the little target to the, to the right. And it's like, yeah. Okay. That's a, that's a one MOA target. Okay. At 300 yards, you hit it. And he hit it. He's like, I'm like, all right, hold here at four. Hold here at five. Got them all the way out to seven. And he's just like, is it really this easy? No, it's not this easy, but yes, it, it is right. Like you have a ruler in the scope for you. Um, uh, one of the things I did in uh, I'm Most of my night vision classes, whenever I have the range to do it, um, I had one out in Oregon and the range goes out to 350 and, um, I had all the dudes after we zeroed with lasers on, uh, they, they all stood up at the, the starting of the, the range. So we had all 350 yards and we shot at 50, 100, 150, 200, 253, and, and all, and so on. And, uh, I had, I think it was like five guys from Hawaii that were there and they're like, dude, we've never shot past 25. This was amazing. Like, and you did it standing up with the laser in the dark under nods, like, and they were like, they're like, how I'm like, Cause it's not that difficult. Just hold the gun. Still pull the trigger without moving the gun. That's it. And it's, it's actually really cool. Like I love when I can take somebody and like, yeah. Do something that they've never experienced before. Cause they get all fucking giddy and they're like, Oh my God, that's amazing. That's awesome. Always amazing. I don't, I don't think I've shot. I don't think I've shot steel out past like three or four with large. You could do it. Oh, I'm, I'm absolutely. I know I could. I've just never had the opportunity to do it. What are you doing this weekend? So the other thing you could do too, um, is, uh, and this is something that a lot of people don't know is like magnifiers under night vision. They work super well. So I, you just have to change your diopter. The little adjustment on the back end, uh, if you change it slightly for your night vision, you can actually market for night vision market for daytime. That's what I have. I have two markings on mine, so I can move it back and forth based off what I'm doing. But under night vision, you could use it for observation, but you could also use it for PID at different distances. You could use it for shooting at different distances. So Under night vision using my laser as an illuminator. Uh, I was able to shoot out to six something, uh, one time with my magnifier, just sitting there and shooting. So you're looking through your magnifier, through your optic. With my night vision. With your night vision. So many lenses. It is, but it works. So many different lenses. It works so well. Wha what do you think? Let's get on the night vision subject here. Yeah. Um, aren't we on it? Yeah, we are., what are you currently using? So, uh, a bunch of things. So I have, uh, some d TMSs, um, the original, like auto gain ones. I have the manual gain ones that they sent me. So I've been using those, um, so that I can adjust it. And then I have some 1430 ones that have, uh, some of the L three, uh, super gain tubes in them. And. I have rnvgs that I use every once in a while and I still have a set of dtmvgs that are like old fashioned one or the older version of the dtmvs is like my original dtmvgs and then um I also have a bunch of 14s like two or three of them two or three of them But I only use this for really filming or like walking around like hiking kind of things Yeah, but uh And then I have a few clip on night vision devices, but yeah, I kind of fluctuate between them all. Uh, most of them I use for like rentals. So students that don't have night vision and are curious and want to learn before they buy things, they can come to class and they can actually rent night vision and not spend tens of thousands of thousands of dollars versus like, or they, they get to spend a little bit less so they can kind of learn about it before they make. a bad choice or make a choice and are unhappy with it because they didn't expect or know what to expect. So that's been pretty fun. What's the hotness for lasers right now? Um, I think there's, there's a few, right. And I, I think it has to go with budget and also like, Like how much, how much you care, right? Like what do you, what your intended uses, but the mall is still pretty popular. Uh, I see those a lot in class, um, the raids, because now they're getting out on the market are huge, the XCs. Um, I still have a rate X, like the old one, and I love that thing. It's still a great laser. Um, I see more angles now, like more of them are getting on the gray market. So that's kind of cool. Uh, surprisingly, I see a lot of the, the, the SOMO lasers, um, and people had to modify them slightly sometimes to make them like keep zero, like shave off a little, like over, over, Portions of the plastic that are too much. Um, but once again, I'm on there and they stay, they've been okay. Uh, they're just not waterproof. So like, yeah, they're not, it's not potted electronics. So, uh, be careful of that, I guess. Um, what else I've been seeing the Arisaka laser, uh, what is it? The three IR or DIR or something like that. Uh, and, and then all the normal guys. So the, D balls and stuff like that. Those are probably the most popular ones. Cause they're like the least expensive for people to buy. Um, I'd still stay away from like the deep ball. I too, the I two is just bottom of the barrel. Like you're playing with fire kind of thing. Like they break almost every single class that I have with somebody with one, I have to give them a spare laser because they break theirs. It's. Very fragile. How are the HoloSUN ones? The, the L what is LS321G is actually one I use for rentals. So the three of them that I've had have had, I don't know how many students playing with them, messing with them, dialing them. Putting them on and off rifles and whatever ring them and they've been great. So i've been pretty impressed with them. They just don't put out a lot of like, uh illumination Yeah, so the laser is great on it. Like you see that thing forever, but the actual illuminators troublesome Yeah, like it's just not the same thing with d balls. Yeah, it's all the civvy lasers are gonna have that kind of issue um But that's, that's where like the, the only civilian that doesn't is them all. And I think, I think the, the raids civilian model, uh, I don't know if it's even out yet, I got to look, but, uh, that one, I assume is going to have a decent laser because it's also using Vexil, but we'll see. That's the Wilcox one, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I've only seen the full power ones that people have gotten their hands on versus the, I don't think I've even seen a civilian one yet. Have you seen any of the, uh, EOTechs? In the new one, I haven't seen any of those in the wild. Uh, I saw one at shot show last year and then this year. Uh, but I still haven't seen one out like being used by anybody. So I think they only have either, uh, Like just the model of it out in the wild, like for people to like do things with or show pictures and stuff. Uh, I haven't seen one like functional so or a functional one being used. So I don't know. I don't know what they're up to with that, but i'm sure it's a lot of work with dealing with the FDA and other things too. So This isn't food. We'll put this at the end of the line. Um They haven't paid us off. Let's put it at the end of the line. So something like that. I'll have to check out the air soccer one. I haven't seen that. It's not bad. Um, it's got a really, really good button. I love the button on that thing. It's just like, it's a, it almost feels like a good tail cap on, uh, on a flashlight. But it's, it's obviously upright. It's not on the back. I saw him on the price list. Will, when, when they came out, Will emailed me about them. Uh, from Arasaka and I, I looked at them, it was when I was briefly, Oh, cool, I should check that out. Yeah. They have three models. So, uh, I have the one that's IR viz and with an illuminator. And the only thing I don't like about it is that the illuminator doesn't have any adjustment. So it is the diameter it is. And that's it. Uh, so it doesn't like, you can't, Make it, uh, or shrink the diameter to it, or the circumference to it. Sorry. Uh, or, uh, expand it like you can on most lasers. So, so you have the designate IRV, I believe. Right? What's, what's the price point on those? Uh, two two grand. 2K, yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Uh, $1,999 99 cents. zeros. Oh, zeros. Oh, wow. Saving, but you can get them in OD green. Oh yeah. You can get them at all. I see what it looks like. It's like, Oh, they're, they're actually really, uh, really low to the rail too. Just something that looks like most of the mass is like kind of off to the sides. Yeah. It, it, it, it's not even seeing that. I didn't know that was Arisaka. Yeah. It's super lightweight. Um, I actually, there it's a, uh, I forget who made the original one. Cause that's not the original laser. Um, Arisaka just, Made it better, but there was a, yeah, there was, there was a different one. And, uh, I forgot who made it. Um, but either way it's, it's actually been a pretty decent laser. It's not like the end all be all, but I would take it over like a civilian Peck, like the APLC by far. Um, I may even take it over a D ball. A three with like the civilian model, uh, because those, both those illuminators on those lasers kind of blow, uh, where this one kind of blows it out of the water. So that's kind of nice, but once again, it can't, you can't adjust it. So it's, it's, uh, it's a very, I think it's only three settings. You get viz laser, you get. Uh, IR laser and IR laser with IR illuminator. And that's it just super simple, pretty simple. Where then you have like on the opposite spectrum of simplicities, you have the raids that's like, you have 15 laser settings and you can, you can set the brightness, however you want. And the illuminators got 15 settings. So you're like, Jesus. So there's a lot, but depends on how, how invested you are in like using it and what environments you're going to use it and stuff like that. Interesting. Interesting. See, if you've stuck around through the talk about iguanas and steak, you can't get information. We gave you some good four minutes of good information in an hour. Only four minutes. Four minutes. The rest is just crazy ranting. That's cool. And what about grammar? Have you? Now I got into a conversation with someone. Uh, one of our reps and cause they're coming out with a different night vision that like, I'm not a night vision guy other than like what I've had experience with, which is like PBS fourteens. It was like the pinnacle of my experience, the Honda civic lock 19 of night vision. So, so it ain't bad. Tubes versus housing's digital screens, right? So like that's the future, right? There's this supposedly it's been the future for the last 10 years, right? Are you seeing more dudes roll in with now? Um, most guys don't show up with digital night vision, um, mainly cause there's, there's. There's no good digital night vision yet. Uh, only because when you go digital, you have a digital screen. Yeah, and that digital screen has a refresh like kind of like thermals, right? So you're exactly like thermals. Uh, That's a blur, you know, same, same, but different. Um, and uh, the uh, The refresh rate when moving your head around is really atrocious. So, um, if I, I have a psionics camera, You Uh, but that's what it is. It's a night vision camera. Uh, I wouldn't consider it night vision, um, which they're probably going to get upset with me again. Um, they sent me a worded email, um, about saying that out loud, but it's true, man. And that's the way I do things is I just speak the truth and make it actual night vision. And we go, we'll be on the same train, dude. But, uh, but those cameras, although really cool for filming stuff, And, uh, they give you some form or, uh, remnants of colors and stuff like that. Honestly, they're, they, they're too slow with the refresh. And there's ways to like, you know, take the wifi off and lower its output so that you can actually get some kind of movement with it. But it's still like, I would consider it more, more towards airsoft grade, if anything, versus actual use. Um, they're, they're slow. The right now, the big push is fusion. So fusing thermal and night vision together and, uh, which is awesome. And it's actually getting easier for us as human beings to get it. Not actual fusion goggles. Cause those still cost like really, really nice truck worthy, like money, like in the 60 K area. But, uh, but using a clip on thermals. Yeah. So there's the E Cody, there was a Cody prior to that. Those are both pretty expensive. The, the new one, I. Can't remember the dang nomenclature, but TNVC just put it out. Uh, and it is like a civilian version of the E Cody that's actually performs better. And it just doesn't have the A TACS and like all that BS thrown in there. So you can actually do all the same things, but for less money and better performance, uh, now, and it's actually a smaller and lighter package. So that just got put out. I think they're, they're doing the pre orders on TNVC, but Those things are gonna be awesome. The one I got to play with for a little bit was amazing. So I'm, I'm like, I'm on that list to get one because I want it. But fusion with your night vision is going to be really cool. Um, for you guys out here, like in Texas, um, you're going to do hunting under night vision all the time. Like we do in Florida for the piggies, you guys got coyotes and stuff. We don't have coyotes, but we got piggies and. Thermals huge for our, for like identify or sorry, like actually seeing what's out there and spotting things. And then from there going under night vision, confirming it is a pig or coyote or whatever, not somebody's dog. And then from there is amazing. It's super easy. It's like shooting pigs in a barrel. So it's kind of nice, highly recommended if you're doing some piggy stuff. It's a crazy scene, like the stuff in Ukraine with the thermal and the night vision that like the videos that are getting released, it's like, that's scary. Super scary. Yeah. Like super scary. I'm glad, I'm glad my era in the military was against sand people. So it worked out. Yeah. Like I can't even, I watched that one clip this weekend where the dudes are like hiding in the bushes from the drone and you can hear the drone on the you're just like freaking out about it. And like. It gets them, you know, or it gets one of them, the dude takes off running and I'm just like, dude, like, I can't even imagine, like, honestly, that's where the shotgun comes in. Boys, like, it's skeet shooting time. Dude's watching dudes drop a grenade through open hatch. Scary. Yeah. Uh, they used to do that overseas in, in the sand people land too. Um, they, they would drop 'em off, uh, like overpasses and stuff? Yeah. Off o over buildings. But you're like, all right. Button up. Yeah. like, dude, like, but not in the middle of nowhere. Like just sitting there chilling. No. Yeah. Like hatch pop. Just chilling. Thank God they were so stupid. They didn't, they didn't get that far , like, not yet. At least apparently it did. Finally. Like outside of Israel, right? But uh, but before that they weren't really using drones or anything. They didn't have access to it So it's kind of nice. Yeah spooky but thermal thermal is definitely a thing But I think that's that's why the digital stuff hasn't like exploded or or have been taken further yet Because most people are trying to blend thermal and night vision right now, versus just do one thing. Um, and, and also honestly, analog night vision, which is what we're all using, like the, the intense fire tubes. Um, those are just getting better and better. So like, for example, L3. They're able to produce such good night vision tubes now. Uh, and, and in quantities that people can get their hands on versus like, we made a batch of like, let's say a hundred, right? But only two of them are amazing. Everything else is trash or like 30 percent of them are literal, like there's, we can use. And then like the rest, 70%, we have to like recycle and do it again. And that's how it used to be. And now it's gotten so good. That's. It's a huge, like 98 percent or whatever, whatever they call it, it is going to be like what we can actually use. And there's still a small percentage of like unobtainable night vision. That's like, geez, these are amazing, but they're being saved for certain peoples. Um, but that's, that's the cool part about it. They've just refined their manufacturing process so well that we're able to get night vision is pretty good. That's probably my next big. My next big purchase after I build all the guns that I currently have parts for. Yeah. And then sell them. So you have night vision money. I saw a staccato for night vision. There you go. It's like, fuck it. Honestly, that little set of 14, 14 J arm. So I can run like a Wilcox. We can probably get you one. I've probably always fighters at home. I want the Wilcox. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Mine's got bodies on it, dude. He's got little dashes on it. Not just cut out in his, in his that's what he was using his replaceable J arm. That's supposed to be a disposable rhino mount. Like so much stuff. That's just like in a box at home. And it's like, I don't want to throw it away because there's Memories there. Uh, I'm, I'm actually very little sentimental stuff, uh, that I kept, uh, I just, I'm like, man, this just sits in a container. Uh, if I could put it in like a shadow box, I'll keep it. But otherwise I'm in a shadow box. Do it, do it, bro. I have, I have a spent little plaque underneath it. Yeah. I have a spent banger. My first one ever threw in country. And I had picked it up when we were there, we were doing SSE and stuff. And like, we're supposed to pick up those kinds of things. Um, if you can, right. And I, I picked mine up and I was like, In my cargo bucket and kept it and I still have it. It sits on top of my shadow box and stuff. It's kind of cool. That's cool. Nice little memorabilia kind of thing. But that's, that's where like I go with it. I don't, I don't go crazy. It's like, I'm pretty sure I still have a couple of J arms and rhino mounts, but they're probably in a container, not ever going to be seen again. But by any night vision, I've pulled out, not that I would keep it at all, but I have the, uh, the, the woodland camouflage OTV outer vets, the outer, the shell, because we were in country and they're like, okay, here's whatever, here's whatever color that they were replacing with, whether it was DCU or it could have been the frequent, the ACO. ACU color. Yeah. The, the horrible camo pattern, but it was one of those like we had to switch. We just got the cover. You didn't get a whole new one. You just got the cover to it and you had to put all the inserts back inside of it, which were already expired anyways. But it's, it's a Woodland camo. With a desert color name tag, and desert color rank. That's actually kind of cool. You should, you should definitely go play Airsoft and wear that. Yeah, it, it won't fit me anymore.. I'm sure the sides open up. Dude. Small. You slow way. No way. Tiny. You're like, what, 150 pounds at the time? I'm one, like 1 65 day in girl. Well, yeah, we grow. Yeah, we do. But yeah, the, the, the little memorabilia stuff's always good. Why not? But yeah, if you need a J arm, dude, uh, noise fighter makes that little really, uh, inexpensive one. Uh, they make a plastic one or whatever they use for it and a metal one, which are both good. Um, I've played with both of them. I have both of them. So I use them for my fourteens the Wilcox one's not bad. It's just more expensive. Yeah, I was gonna say it's almost It's very expensive. Like it's like everything Wilcox We know I mean like even like relation to like that was a d24. Yeah. Yeah, like even relation to that I remember it being Pretty close to that. Yeah. Every everything will Cox is expensive. I think it, that's what it stands for is like, we will take your cock. Like that's how expensive it is. Like it's going to cost you a cock or at least a kidney. That's cock with an X. Do we have you on the schedule for a night vision class at the range? No, but I do have a one at the ranch. You have one coming up. Yeah. Do you know the dates off that January? Okay. Usually January is I, I went there this year, January and I think next year, look, it's a calendar. I don't want to be at the ranch in July. Yeah, no, no. It's a little hot. That sounds miserable. Yeah. January four or five, literally the first class of the year. Oh, nice. Cool. I usually save that spot for. The ranch. Yeah. And then I have a couple of classes in Dilley also. So the other, the other ranch, all the ranches in Texas. Come on guys. Surprise. There's only two so far. Like, I'm sure there's a couple we don't know about. The funny thing is I have, I have Chad's and Matt's information on my phone and they're both ones, Matt ranch, Eagle, Eagle Lake, Chad ranch, Dilley, Dilley. Yeah. Yeah, I, I, uh, I had to. Specify like on the schedule. Uh, it's like, all right, Dilley, Texas, Eagle Lake, Texas. Yeah. You've got it like seven times in the course description. This is not at Eagle. Actually, I think next year I'm coming to Texas a lot, actually. And I think I like four or five classes here. Fantastic. Yeah. Which is exciting. I need, I need to get one in, uh, Dallas. I never go up there for classes and that would be a direct flight for me versus a connecting flight. So it'd be nice, but you can't get a direct flight to Houston. Not out of Florida. Well, I'm, I fly American. Oh, oh, so you're one of those? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, who hurt you? I actually, south Florida hurt me, but uh, yeah, either way, like coming outta South Florida, if you take Delta, you have to stop in Atlanta and Yeah. Everything goes to like that. Yeah. Or, or with American, I have to stop in Charlotte or Dallas, depending on which direction I'm going. So it don't matter. I have a connection either way, coming outta Florida. Yeah. But yeah, it's, it's actually not too bad, but I've been looking at like ways to get like Delta status as high as I have American status. Cause when I go on American and they like put out the red carpet, they're like, welcome, you're like a Pharaoh. Right. And you walk on and you're like, ah, water this, you know, but then I get on a Delta flight and they're like, get in the back, peasant, what is this? On the other airline, they treat me great. They're like, but this isn't the other airline. You're a Delta territory, poor people get to the back. We're wearing purple, um, exhaust. Oh, somebody's sexy truck. You just, you know, every once in a while, you should just Fly spirit. So you understand Chris spirit to fucking Vegas. This shit was like phenomenal. Like good luck, brother. At least you made it our first shot show is blue spirit. Did you on the way back? Uh, we spent like two hours on the tarp on the runway waiting to go to our gate. Sean Cody was on that flight to the Houston gun trust lawyer guy. Uh, yeah. Come to find out the, how we're, that was our first time. We're like, Oh, we're going to save so much money. We're gonna fly spirit. It's gonna be great. It's like 2016 or something. Then, you know, like, Oh, you want a seat? Okay. That's an extra 50. Yeah. Oh, you didn't want to sit on the floor, but you can't sit on the floor. I got to hold these chickens. I think, uh, myself and the guy's flight to Vegas this year for shock show with, we flew Southwest. It was direct flight. It was early. There was like 12 people on the plane. Yeah. They had their own like, and we were like five of the 12 and that we, they got on there, like literally sit wherever you want. Like, we don't care. So like the five of us went to the back of the plane and just hung out with the flight attendant the whole time. Nice. And he's like, I was joking with him. He's like, Hey, you want to make the, uh, the, like, welcome to Vegas call. And I like pussied out. I was like, no, I can't do that. I was like, he said all sorts of stuff. I just didn't want to get the dude in trouble or, you know, it's tackled by the FAA. Like, so like everyone's on there, you know, everybody's got like their own row or whatever, probably like 10 rows in between everybody. You'd be like the one guy, like at the urinal that like comes up and just like sits right next to somebody. There's like 98 empty seats and you choose the one. You choose the seat next to the middle. You choose the middle seat next to them. It was great. We literally like, it was a big ass plane and we just went in the back, like, you know, thought we were the cool kids in high school and went back to the plane. The school bus. We just don't realize we have to walk a hundred yards to get to the front. Exactly. No, it's all good. I mean, that's, that's always nice when, when like you get those seats, you could have like every shoe could have been in a different row. That's awesome. I'm surprised to Utah. Like the flight was almost all the way full. I think. The middle seat was empty on mine, on my row. I think it was the only empty seat on the plane. Nice. The middle seat was empty at the aisle. Other dude had the, had the window. Nice. Great. Nice. That's never had that happen before or very rarely. That happened a lot during COVID. Yeah. Oh dude. That was like, I mean, you had became like a standard too. Yeah. You just like have your own frigging row. There's an awesome. Yeah. Cause most people weren't flying and stuff. It's like for super, super cheap, like stupid cheap. Yeah. I got spoiled a little bit. It's like you want to fly for first class to New York. 200 bucks. If that. Yeah. Hey, we'll pay you 50 bucks. If you just come give you credit, just come to the front, make us look full. Uh, but now it, uh, during COVID like, uh, everything shut down. Right. And then like April came around and, uh, And I was like, classes were just starting right back up in Florida, opened up again. So we weren't shut down for very long. And, uh, and then like, and all my flights, I was like, wow, this is super nice. It's like nobody here. That was a damn good time. I liked flying like that. It was like flying private. Yeah, it was, it was cool. We took a couple of flights. I think you were with me. Yeah. Yeah. During COVID is one of the years that I like flew the most. We flew a couple of places for here. I went home a few times, all the miles got married. Yeah. We, we have status on Delta and United. So it's, it's fun. Yeah. If I can take a Delta flight, I do. Cause I've got like really good status with them, but most everything from here is United. Like, so it's not bad. I'm climbing up the ladder with gotta get there. Yeah. Something, something, get the credit cards usually. Like that's what they want you to do. Yeah, I Don't know. What do you got coming up? Do you have anything new that you're adding to the schedule this year? Yes, so Actually this year was the first time we did it in March Brian Valise from slide tack training and myself We did it on the podcast before If he hasn't you guys should put him on it. It's super fun. Is he coming up this weekend, or is he not? No, he's He's not Uh, no, he's not coming to this class. But if you guys make it down to like the daily classes. Mm-Hmm. Usually he'll come out for those.'cause he's pretty close. He's like an hour away from there. Yeah. Um, or two hours, something like that. He's all the way down on the border. He's basically a Mexican. Yeah, he's, he's ba basically a Mexican. Yeah, he is. Uh, . . Um, it's not Zo, so, uh, but, because we're gonna have to edit all that out.. Leave it. Uh, see what happens. That's Brian . I'm gonna text him right now. You should. He. Hey Brian. He's good. Watch the end of the episode. We're telling jokes about you right now. Only watch this part. Um, but no, uh, but him and I are teaching a class, uh, that we're doing I think three or four times next year, uh, called Skills on Demand. And the first day is, um, I'm in the morning. Um. It's super long day, by the way, but, uh, it's like a 16 hour training day. It's super long. So the first half of the day is with me, um, learning more of like, uh, like performance based shooting slash defensive based shooting. If you want to call it, I call it offensive based shooting period. Like it's just shooting. And then, uh, instead of lunch, we don't take a lunch break, even though we kind of are eating, we do medical. And then, uh, Uh, in the afternoon, he does his injured shooter stuff. So like, like all sorts of stuff that you do with guns injured. And then, um, the next day we do, um, what would be like building tactics with one and two people. And then the third day is all scenarios and we blend everything. And it's like, Like, literally come here and let's see where your, your skills are kind of thing. And it's a ton of fun. I had, we had one or two guys that had never done a class before period. They were just like self taught and they came to that and they were like, we definitely should have taken a class. This was a lot and it was just three really long days. Um, I think. Each day was the first day was like 16 hours, I think. And the second two days were a little over 10 or 11 hours. Yeah. They got a lot out of it. And, um, and of course, like I had, uh, Sam Houston for, from Greenline tactical and, and Don Edwards, they came and so they, it was another, like two other instructors in the class. It was super fun. It was a, it was a dang good time. Um, And we did at Dilley so we could all sleep on, on the premises. And so it's just like, it was a good three days of training and weekend kind of thing with all the dudes. Will you be down in Dilley for their night vision summit? Um, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm teaching it. Yep. Uh, yeah, I'm teaching at, I think I've, yeah, I've taught every night night ops summit. Okay. Uh, which is also, also a really good time. I actually have a class before that the weekend prior. So I'll have my. Night vision class and then I'll be there for a couple of days. Like, I don't know, twiddling my thumbs I'm probably just gonna film stuff and like get some some range time in by myself and like practice and things So if you guys want to come and shoot And then what you call it, we're gonna do and then I'll be there for the night ops. Oh, yeah, we need to We talked about getting with dawn for that. We need to get with them and set up down there for the event. Yeah Yeah, it's a good career time and then And like, they have a night vision rentals to like Don and Sam have, I think like 12 sets of night vision for rent. So if dudes don't have it, they can still come to the event. Um, and the event also has, like, if you're not into night vision, you're like, that's out of my budget. I'll never do that. And you don't even want to try kind of thing. Rock on. Uh, you do you, but, uh, there's a bunch of low light stuff. So it's all nights, nighttime stuff in general. So there's white light classes and stuff like that. So it. Should be a damn good time. It's at Dilley. So, uh, not only is there like just regular range classes, um, but there's a long, uh, like scope carbine kind of course under night vision with clip ons and L3 provides all the clip ons. So you don't even have to have one sick. They just like, literally like show up with like, you get a clip and they just show up with a box and handed to, uh, uh, the, the teacher for that class is Eric Vargas. Um, and Fargo and I actually spent it. Time in the military together. So we were actually in the same, um, company in, in range of Italian. So it's actually really cool. Like when Don got linked up with him, he's like, yeah, I met this little ranger. His name's Eric Vargas. He said, he knew you. I was like, wait, is it that dude? And then I was like, cool. Like no shit. Little world. Um, But he's teaching that and he's a world class sniper, like wins a ton of the, uh, military competitions that are out there for sniper stuff. Um, really good dude. So cool. That's, that'll be fun. But yeah, night ops summit, it's a damn good time. It's exhausting, but it's a good time. Definitely have to check your schedule out for Dilley and come down and see you. And if you've listened to us for the last hour and nine minutes, we appreciate it. Uh, where can people find you, sir? So my website's probably the best one, uh, kinetic consulting. net. Um, and that's where I put everything essentially, uh, and all the social medias are linked there. This class schedules like hyperlinks on the first page. You can literally click what you want and it takes you to the page. Um, but yeah. That's pretty much where check him out. He's been a guest before. If you don't know him, you should know him. We've got his barrels in stock right now. Got a fresh batch from Roscoe. Pick it up and like, subscribe, comment, do the thing. Ian, uh, make iron sites great again. We're not, we're not terrible. Ender. Okay. Redo, put cat crap on your optics and night vision and flashlight. Transcripts provided by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC.